What is The Vision You Have For Your Business?


Where there is no vision the people perish.  This is a common phrase that when you are in church you expect that a building plan is about to begin.  In business vision is what keeps it going through all the ups and downs. Vision propels a business forward, even when the setbacks that make the rough and tumble world of everyday business life happens.

Great leaders understand that having vision and repeating what the vision is often is how companies move forward.  Leaders emphasize how the work that is being done matters and makes a difference in the lives of others.

Where is your business going in 2015 and beyond?

The first step is to know where your business has been, and where you would like business look like to move it forward.  Many businesses let events run them rather than making things happen. Know what you want your business to look like.

What are the core values of your business?

Is your core value to be the cheapest? Probably not, only Walmart has made that work.  If you strive to be the cheapest and race to the bottom you might win. Then what do you do if your product or service is below the cost of production?

Is your core value integrity?  It had better be or you won’t be in business very long.  Your business is a trust brand.

What are your core beliefs?

Is the only reason you are in business to make money?  Making a profit is important, it is how business grows, adds employees, and helps the owner build wealth. However, if you don’t have a bigger why when things get difficult, you won’t enjoy the business any longer.

Are you as a great leader repeating your vision often so it becomes part of your organization? Have you as a leader established what core values and beliefs in your organization are to sustain it during the ups and down?  If you as a leader have done these things, then 2015 is set up to be your best year ever.

Question of the week: What will your business look like in 5 years if you have vision?

Quote of the week:  “The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” – Michelangelo