Can Business Success Be Predicted?



The level of success of anyone in business is greatly determined by five (5) characteristics.  Successful business owners place an inordinate focus on pathways to succeed. They think differently, develop networks differently, view relationships differently, and view working differently than average people.

Thomas Stanley, author of The Millionaire Next Door and the Millionaire Mind, has identified the top five qualities that determine success.  The top five (5) character qualities are:  integrity, discipline, social skills, a supportive spouse, and hard work.

Five Character Qualities That Increase Success

  • Integrity – Being Honest With All People

This is a grade of pass or fail.  You don’t get a B or C grade. B or C is failing on the integrity scale. There is no gray area.

  • Discipline – Applying Self-control

Discipline can be seen in many areas. Do we get up at the same time constantly? Do we control our schedules or do they control use? Do we take time to exercise and eat right?

  • Social Skills – Getting Along With People

Interacting with people is an absolute to success. The ability to sell your ideas and implement them is crucial.  Convincing others that your ideas are worth implementing and putting into action are critical for leaders.

  • A Supportive Spouse

The most successful have a spouse that is onboard and working toward a common goal.   Your success starts at home. Your spouse and by extension your family have many more opportunities to observe who you are.

  • Hard Work – More Than Most People

Working hard will put you ahead of 80% of your competition.  This also assumes that you manage your time, work smarter not more, and delegate whenever appropriate.


Leaders have these five qualities.  Leaders tend to be more successful.  Leaders work to develop and improve themselves every day.  If you improve in these five areas it will improve your success.


Question of the Week:  Which of these areas can you improve to increase your success?


Quote of the Week:  “Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek.” – Mario Andretti

5 Things Entrepreneurs That Are Successful Don’t Do





Successful entrepreneurs view the world from a different perspective.  They are optimistic about the future.  They are passionate about making a difference.  Most view every day as Friday.  They also don’t do some things that cause them to be successful.


  • Don’t Fear Risk

Successful entrepreneurs may take risks but don’t let the risk of a project stop them from moving forward.  They determine why they can move ahead, not why they can’t.

  • Don’t Blame Other for Failures

If failure happens successful entrepreneurs own it and move forward.  They don’t fear failure.  The book QBQ by John Miller is a must read about personal responsibility.

  • They Don’t Give Up

Like Edison perfecting the light bulb, successful entrepreneurs persevere until they get it right.

  • Expect Others to Understand

Successful entrepreneurs don’t expect their family or friends to understand what drives them.  They are willing to take risks that others think are crazy.

  • Think the World Owes Them

Successful entrepreneurs believe that the only way to be paid is to serve someone else.  Zig Ziegler always said: “If you help enough people get what they want, you will have what you want.”



Question of the week:  What is on your list of things successful entrepreneurs don’t do?

Quote of the week:  “The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” – Vince Lombardi




Is Fear Causing Indecision In Your Business?




Do you have the squirrel syndrome?  You know what happens.  A squirrel runs out in front of your car.  It has a split second of indecision.  It runs right, then left, then right…then thump, thump.  Make a decision one way or the other, and then go.  The squirrel never made a decision one way or the other, and the results are disastrous.

There are two types of fear.

  • The type of fear based on false reasons. This type of fear causes you to be paralyzed for no real reason. It is just stuff that is made up in your mind. This could be fear of what someone is going to think.
  • Fear can also be based on wisdom. We pause to make a decision to evaluate further and gather more information.

When you, shuck down to the cob, fear is the only thing that makes us indecisive.  Maybe you will make an enemy? Good. You are doing something.  The only way of not being criticized is to not do anything.