Telling Your Business Story

-StoryeditedAs entrepreneurs, we all want to tell our story of why potential customers should do business with us. When building their website, many small businesses make the mistake of leading with company history. Company history and what we do are important if located in the right spot within the site.  However, they shouldn’t be the main theme on the home page.

If you what to engage your potential customers on your website, develop a compelling business story. In my post, 10 Website Mistakes to Avoid, I discussed how the movie industry uses guides to tell the story.  The most effective business websites make the customer the central character, with the business owner becoming the trusted guide.

Major advertising companies like Mills James incorporate the art of storytelling to help Fortune 500 companies connect to their customers. You can use basic storytelling technics in your branding as well.

Critical Components of Your Business Story:

1)            Have a tag line that clearly states what you do.  If you have a heating/air business, it could read:  “We keep your house warm in the winter                      and cool in the summer.”

2)            Incorporate the external problem a potential customer has, and make them the central character in your website.

3)            Develop your business story to explain why you are qualified to help them.

4)            Explain how you can fix their problem without using confusing jargon.

5)            Ask them to contact you. Many websites forget to include an easily recognizable way to contact you.


Question:  What is your branding message?  You can leave a comment by clicking here.

Quote of the Week: “It [what you choose to do] has got to be something that you’re passionate about because otherwise you won’t have the perseverance to see it through.” – Steve Jobs

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