Retirement is a Dirty Word



Do you ever think that retirement is right for you?  Setting around, playing golf, fishing, and traveling may seem appealing for a time but will get boring fast.  Those that do nothing only last for an average of four years.  Playing golf or fishing is only fun for a time and then becomes boring.

The Buy OFF

For many in the past retirement was the way those in leadership kept people loyal.  Augustus Caesar paid his officers well in retirement to keep them loyal.  In the industrial age, the carrot of retirement was used as an inducement to work in soul-killing jobs.

Today the use of retirement as a carrot is changing but is still used.  Retirement is often used to move someone out of the picture and replace that person.  In my parent’s generation, it was a way to keep the ball rolling.

Killing Your Heart

Retirement can be a terrible way to treat people.   To move them out once they are a certain age.  It assumes that after a certain age a person has no value. You are told to suck it up today because in retirement it will be all green pastures and lush.  It’s going to be wonderful in a few decades.

Cost of the Trade-Off

  1. It encourages taking jobs that aren’t fulfilling.
  2. It brings with it, reduced mental function, heart attack, and stroke.
  3. It assumes that most have lived past their prime, and don’t have anything to contribute to society.
  4. It deprives the community of the contributions that many have to offer.

6 Keys for Improving Business Success


According to US Bureau of Labor Statistics 25% of Small Businesses fail in the first 24 months, less than 50% survive past five years, and only 35% are still in business after ten years.  There are many reasons given as to why small businesses fail. Some blame the economic conditions, changing competition, or government policies.

I get fired up when discussing business success.  The real reason businesses fail isn’t economic conditions, competition, government policies or most any other excuse.  The real reason is that business owners make mistakes in several key areas.

There are always challenges in running a business. I believe that if you want to be a successful entrepreneur, find out what successful businesses do and follow their example.

In the past 35 years, I have made mistakes and learned crucial lessons about business and how to grow profits. You too can improve your success and have the numbers up and to the right.

Increase Your Success

1)Passion, Profitability, Proficiency

The first key to a successful business is having all three P’s.  If you run a business and don’t have passion for what you do, boredom will set in.  With boredom, the quality of your work will decrease and so will profits.

Malcolm Gladwell’s research shows that it takes 10,000 hours to become proficient at anything we do. If you aren’t willing to put in the time to be great at what you do, you are limiting your business.

If you have passion and proficiency but have a limited market, you don’t have a business.  You have a hobby.  Your idea has to be scalable.

Stop Multitasking and Get More Done!


Are you watching the Bear’s game, filling out a contract, checking e-mail, talking on the phone, and planning your week all at the same time?  If this sounds like your work habits, your brain is in trouble.

Research at Stanford University by Dr. Clifford Nass and his team, to their surprise, found that when individuals attempt working on multiple projects they have trouble focusing on any one project. They have trouble controlling their memory and cannot switch from one task to another effectively.

The idea that if someone is a heavy multitasker is more productive was proven to be false. Surprisingly people who focus on one task for an extended period and then work on another project are far more productive.

What the researchers found was that when multitasking keeping information from different tasks separate in the mind was not possible.  Multitaskers were less efficient and took longer to finish the tasks compared to focusing for at least 20 minutes on one task.

The French medical research agency Insurm discovered that the brain has a two task limit to be effective.  Working on more than two tasks decreased the brain’s effectiveness.

To get more done focus on one or two tasks for at least 20 minutes or until the task is finished before switching.  To be more productive avoid distractions, have set times to check e-mail, check voice mail or preparing documents.

Question: What are some ways you improve your focus ?  You can leave a comment by clicking here.

Quote of the Week: “Juggling is an illusion. … In reality, the balls are being independently caught and thrown in rapid succession. … It is actually task switching.” ― Gary Keller

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Effective Advertising: Staying in Contact With Your Customers

canstockphoto2144922editedIn the modern connected economy being in touch with your customers is an absolute.  However, effective advertising has changed dramatically.  The days when a business would list in the yellow pages and hope to be found are history.   Running an ad in print media and hoping someone will read it is the proverbial needle in a haystack advertising.  Producing and filming ads for TV is expensive and often has a low return on investment (ROI).  Most TV shows are taped, and ads are skipped. They aren’t much different than spam in an e-mail inbox. The majority of consumers, including myself, consume most audio content through podcast and music through digital storage. Radio advertising is becoming a limited method to reach your customers.

Changing History of Advertising

A hundred years ago advertising was reaching a large market with the same needs.  The industrial revolution created a new economy built around large scale efficiencies like large factories, mass media, mass marketing and mass communication.

Seth Godin in his book Permission Marketing: Turning Strangers into Friends and Friends into Customers explains why traditional methods of advertising are no longer working.  Traditional advertising is based on interruption of your time. When watching TV programs every seven minutes, an advertisement interrupts the show, ads interrupt the music station you listen to, and billboards try to get your attention as you drive.

The concept of Permission Marketing is that you develop trust with a potential customer.  After you have their trust, then you can discuss what you offer. Traditional methods of advertising just aren’t an effective use of capital.

Social Change

The industrial revolution is ending and the economy that it produced no longer functions as it once did. This massive economic shift is also bringing great social change.  The good jobs that industry provided are becoming fewer and fewer. Income gaps between the people at the top of their industry and the average are likely to increase.

We now are in the growing phase of the new connected economy with all the opportunities that it will produce.  Yes, there will be displacement of workers and many of their jobs will change or cease to exist.  New jobs will be created to adapt to the changing market.  Yes, there are new challenges to marketing our products or services. But, by understanding the changes it opens up new opportunities.

Telling Your Business Story

-StoryeditedAs entrepreneurs, we all want to tell our story of why potential customers should do business with us. When building their website, many small businesses make the mistake of leading with company history. Company history and what we do are important if located in the right spot within the site.  However, they shouldn’t be the main theme on the home page.

If you what to engage your potential customers on your website, develop a compelling business story. In my post, 10 Website Mistakes to Avoid, I discussed how the movie industry uses guides to tell the story.  The most effective business websites make the customer the central character, with the business owner becoming the trusted guide.

Major advertising companies like Mills James incorporate the art of storytelling to help Fortune 500 companies connect to their customers. You can use basic storytelling technics in your branding as well.

Critical Components of Your Business Story:

10 Website Mistakes To Avoid

canstockphoto9606400Have you ever wondered why some websites seem to be inviting and engaging? Properly building your website is an imperative part of being in business.   This is where you have the opportunity to tell your story of why potential customers should do business with you.

The website will be your primary branding tool since it’s the first contact that most people will have with you or your business.  The following list will help you avoid mistakes building your website and create a great home base to launch, develop your brand, and grow your business.

1)    Not Effectively Branding and Telling your Business Story

This is the most important part of building your home base and the most difficult to do well.  The purpose of websites has changed dramatically in recent years.  Websites have moved from an information medium about your business to an integrated part of your branding message.

To effectively engage a visitor to your site you have to begin with what they are looking for and how you can become a trusted guide to solve their problem.  Make your visitor the central theme, not you. The movie industry is masterful at creating characters that are engaging and using a guide to tell the story.  Examples are Yoda from Star Wars and Haymitch from The Hunger Games.  One of the books in my library that outlines how the movie industry creates stories is Save The Cat! The Last Book on Screenwriting You’ll Ever Need by Blake Snyder.

Next week’s post goes much deeper on branding and how to tell your business story.

What’s On Your Reading List?

canstockphotobook1editedPresident Truman made the statement that: “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers”.

Reading fundamentally changes how we process information. Listening to books on tape or a podcast is better than nothing, but reading generates higher levels of creativity and unleashes ideas. If you talk to any leader very long, they will invariably share how a particular book changed their lives.  Books can change your world view and inspire you to greatness.

I personally place a high priority on reading.  I have a goal of reading 12-16 non-fiction books each year on business related topics. The books on my reading list will give you a great start to unlock your creativity.

Some of my favorite books are:


  • E-Myth Revisited, Michael Gerber
  • Great by Choice, Jim Collins
  • Entreleadership, Dave Ramsey
  • David and Goliath, Malcolm Gladwell
  • 7 Habits, Steven Covey
  • The Go Getter, Peter B. Kyne
  • Who Moved my Cheese, Spencer Johnson and Kenneth Blanchard
  • Common Sense in Business Matters, Published in 1892
  • We are all Weird, Seth Godin

Evernote 101: 5 Time Saving Tips on Setting up Evernote

canstockphoto-files1-editedI admit I am a huge proponent of Evernote.  It is a powerful tool that can boost your productivity.  The uses are about as endless as your imagination.  I use it to make check lists, store Excel files, clip information from the web, save scanned documents, keep track of ideas, store pictures, and archive emails.

Think of Evernote as a virtual file cabinet having hundreds of drawers with files in the drawers and sticky notes or tabs in the files to help you find information in the file. Evernote is your digital filling cabinet.

To take advantage of all Evernote features, I recommend the Premium upgrade (Cost is $45 annually). When you begin using Evernote, become comfortable with how it is arranged, how to create notebooks and how to use tags.  The best resource that I have found to use Evernote to its full potential is Brent Kelly’s Evernote Essentials (Cost is about $13).

Let’s get started with some Evernote basics.

1)      How Evernote is arranged (Notes, Notebooks, Stacks, and Tag

 a.     Notes

Everything stored in Evernote is stored as a note.  Notes can be anything: web clippings, pictures, text, audio files, video clips or emails. Just about anything digital can be stored in a note. In the note window, you can name the note, add tags, move to a notebook, and share notes.

 b.     Notebooks 

Notebooks are where all of your notes live.  They are your files in your digital filing cabinet.  The first notebook is auto created by Evernote using your log in name and all notes will be stored here initially. The default notebook name can be changed and additional notebooks can be created to organize your notes.

c.     Stacks

Creating a stack is a way to group notebooks together.  Stacks are virtual file drawers that have two or more notebooks stored in them.  As an example, I like roasting green coffee beans.  So in Evernote, I have a notebook for coffee info that has notes for different coffee companies and coffees that I order. Also, I have a notebook on coffee equipment.  I have these two notebooks in a stack named Coffee.

d.     Tags

Tags give us greater flexibility to group our notes in ways other than notebooks.  It is a powerful way to add identifiers to your notes or notebooks. Multiple tags can be used in each note to further describe the content.  To stay with my example of coffee, in my notebook named “coffee”, I have information on coffee companies, coffee varieties, and description of each variety.   I could have tags for “Bold “or “Complex” to describe a note. This will also aid in searching the notes.  More on searches later.

My Top 10 Favorite Apps to Boost Productivity

“The true price of anything you do is the amount of time you exchange for it.”  
― Henry David Thoreau

Photo courtesy of CanStock Photos

Photo courtesy of CanStock Photos

Everything that we do in life has a cost of time.  How many hours do we exchange to pay for a car, a house, an education, or building great relationships?  We all have 168 hours in a week.  No more and no less than anybody else.  How we allocate those hours will determine our success in business and life.

The more you focus on what makes you productive, the greater your value is to others.  When we learn to say “Yes” to what is most important and “No” to what isn’t, we become more valuable. Maintaining the highest level of productivity for the longest period of time possible can only be done by setting boundaries and prioritizing your day.  If you don’t prioritize your day, someone else will.  You only have a limited time to achieve your goals,168 hours each week.  You are a limited resource.

In order to maximize productivity I use several apps to make work and life simpler. I have listed ten apps that I use to boost productivity.

1)      Evernote:  This is a great app that you can use to keep notes and makes a great file cabinet.  I keep track of everything from the projects I’m working on to items I need from suppliers.  It can be used to save emails, clip web articles, and store scanned documents. It can also sync with all of my devises (phone, iPad, computer). If you are just getting started the best guide on how to use Evernote is Evernote Essentials by Bret Kelly (Cost is $15).  *Note: Next week tips on how to organize Evernote.  Including how to set up files, save emails, clip web articles, and scan documents directly to Evernote.

Take Time to take a break if you want to maximize productivity. 5 strategies to focus on recharging!

Montana Lakeedited

Photo courtesy of Kathy Nelson

We live in a busy and crazy world.  We can be pulled in a hundred different directions from our vocations, avocation, and kids’ activities. Even though our children are young adults I remember when we shuttled back and forth from home to school five times in the same night.  There were times when we went to two different ballgames in towns that were over an hour away from each other to watch the first half of one game and watch the second half of the next.  It was a lot of fun but a little crazy. Building margin in our lives can be challenging.

Based on the popular StrengthsFinder 2.0 personality assessment tool, my top personality strength is Achiever.  Tom Rath author of StrengthsFinder 2.0 describes people with this characteristic as: “…having a great deal of stamina and work hard.  They take great satisfaction from being busy and productive.”  This can be both an asset and a liability. I derive a great deal of satisfaction in getting things done. The dark side of this strength is that I find it hard to turn off my mind and relax.  I have to work at creating margin for family, friendships, and relaxation.

Whether you are a solopreneur, have a team, or run a small business it is difficult to make room for down time.  Taking a vacation or a long weekend to relax can be a challenge since you still need to return calls and respond to emails.  If you find it hard to relax, try these strategies to turn off work and unplug.

Five strategies to take care of customers and still enjoy time off

1)      Set up specific times to take care of business.

I recommend scheduling a short block of time to check your voice mails and emails. What I do is schedule 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon.  By scheduling a couple of time blocks for business its allows me to focus on business for these two periods of time and then focus on relaxing and enjoying the vacation the rest of the time.