Increase your influence by understanding personality styles

A key reason that customers or team members don’t respond to the way we present ideas is that we don’t communicate in a way they understand. This lack of good communication can be because of personality style differences.  Whether it’s in a business meeting or discussions with your spouse and kids, having a basic understanding of personality styles can help greatly when serving customers, leading team members, and at home with family.canstockphoto11114348

Personality types can be broken down into four basic types: Dominance (High D), Influence (High I), Steadiness (High S) and Conscientious (High C).  None of the personality types are better; they all have strengths and weaknesses.  To improve our ability to communicate let’s take a look at these four personality types.

1)       Dominance.  This person is results driven. They like to get right to the bottom line and place value on confidence.  They see the big picture and accept challenges willingly.  When selling to a High D, get to the point and provide them with only the information they need to make a decision.  When you make a sale, stop talking and wrap up the meeting. Many sales have been lost because the sales person talked their way out the door after the sale was made.

2)       Influence.  This person is relationship driven. They are open and like persuading others.  They are enthusiastic, tend to be optimistic, and like to work in groups.  They also dislike being ignored.  When selling to a High I, develop an atmosphere of being inclusive and be relational with them. Don’t expect to get too involved in a lot of details.  Follow up later by email to review the details.

3)      Steadiness.  This person places a high value on being dependable. They are sincere and like cooperation.  Conflict is seen as a problem to be avoided.  They don’t like to be rushed.  When selling to a High S, have a calm manner and calm approach. Give them time to make decisions. If they are pushed they will react negatively. Many sales people give up on this personality type before a sale can be made.

4)      Conscientious.  This person places a high value on accuracy and details.  This person has abilities to look at situations objectively and have analytical skills.  High C’s fear being wrong, but don’t like conflict.  When selling to a High C, provide lots of detail and give them only a couple of choices. Let them use their analytical skills with the details of the offer.

Everybody has a mix of these personality traits with one or two being prominent.  The test that determines these traits has been used since 1958. This test is referred to as the DISC profile test and provides an understanding of how we see the world.  The first time I took this test was in 1986 and found it very helpful.  Recently I’ve been reading a new book on personality psychology How the World Sees You: Discover Your Highest Value Through the Science of Fascination.  It takes a different perspective by looking at how the world sees us.

Question: How can you apply understanding the four personality types to improve your business or improve relationships?  You can leave a commit below.

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*Note:  This information is based on the research work of William Marston and later by Walter V. Clark.