Generous Giving: The Joy of the Christmas Season






One of the great joys this time of year is being able to give generously.  Gifts to family members are planned for Christmas morning. Stockings are hung expecting goodies to be inside. Giving generously has been going on from the time the wise men presented gifts to Christ over two thousand years ago.


Give to not only do good but to do well.

  • Live on less than you make.

The first step in generous giving is to have extra to give.  If we live on less than we make we will have excess to help others.  We can help the single mom with three kids that is barely making ends meet on a modest income.  If we have a surplus, we can help the family that just lost a provider.

  • Giving can lead to making new friends.

When we look outside of our family to be generous we meet new people. Sometimes this can lead to long term friendships. This may lead to a mentoring opportunity.

  • Giving focuses you outside yourself.

Generous giving forces us to focus on others and consider where they are in life.  By the very process of thinking about someone else’s needs, it moves us from our wants. Researchers tell us that giving makes us happier, it improves our relationships with our spouse, and lowers our stress.

Be a grateful recipient of gifts.

Grateful people are always generous people.

We can view Christmas classics almost anytime and the lessons they tell.  Movies like Scrooge, It’s a Wonderful Life, White Christmas, and we can’t leave out Christmas Vacation.

  • Scrooge – Lesson of a changed life.
  • It’s a Wonderful Life – People matter most.
  • White Christmas – A story of gratitude and helping others.
  • Christmas Vacation – Be generous


On a personal note for this Christmas season.  I am grateful for my awesome wife of 34 years.   I am grateful for my grown children who are all amazing young adults. I am grateful that my daughter is married to a fantastic guy. I am grateful for a healthy new grandson!!!  Gifts are nice, but what else do I need for Christmas?

Question of the Week:  What are you doing this year to be generous?

Quote of the Week: “Giving frees us from the familiar territory of our own needs by opening our mind to the unexplained worlds occupied by the needs of others.”— Barbara Bush