Feeling Exhausted? 5 Practical Ways to Boost Your Productivity




After the holidays and with the cold weather setting in you might be feeling exhausted.  You may even feel like pulling the covers back over your head on cold winter mornings.

  • Stay connected with God.

He is the greatest energy source.  We were not created to function without a close connection to him.  Trying to move through life, without him, is like riding a bike uphill without any peddles.

  • Keep a Positive attitude.

Negative thoughts deplete our energy.  Having a positive attitude doesn’t just happen we decide how we look at life.  Research has determined that we are the average of the five closest friends that we choose to be with.  This includes attitude, income, and most areas in our life.

  • Feed your brain.

“You will be the same in five years as you are today except for the books you read and the people you meet.” – Charlie Jones.

“Garbage in, garbage out.”  This doesn’t just apply to the computer world; it applies to our mind as well.  Watch less TV, including news, and cut out some of the computer time.  Both of these can deplete your energy.  Reading produces creativity in ways that are remarkable.

  • Exercise daily.

I know you are already tired or don’t have time to put in an exercise routine.  Wrong. The opposite is the case.  Regular exercise will boost your energy level. Exercise releases endorphins and we become energized and more creative.

  • Get enough rest.

Everyone is different but most people need seven to eight hours of rest to be the most productive.  When you get run-down it is easier to get sick.

How are you handling stress? Do you get grumpy easily?  How are you resting?


Your energy level can be high.  You have more control than you think.  If you become deliberate at take action you can boost your energy level.


Question of the Week:   What do you need to cut from your life to have more energy?


Quote of the Week:   “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”    – Oprah Winfrey