Are You Creating Culture Or Is It Just Happening? (Part 1)



Actions and attitudes make up the culture of a business.  None of us like working in a business that has bad culture. We all can recognize bad culture.  The question is what makes a great business culture and how do we make a great culture?  Having a good culture in business will help a good business become great.

The values that make up a business will either be directly chosen or will take shape on their own.

Force Culture

When you fly most people have a carry-on bag.  This bag needs to be stored in the overhead bin.  It never fits well. You have to force the bag to fit.  Fairly often the contents of the bag have to be forcefully shifted around to go into the bin. Culture is not any different than the bag; to reach the desired culture people may need to be shifted around or out.

Teach Culture

Teach what you want your business culture to be.  If you want incredible customer service to be part of your business, that has to be taught.  Businesses that have a great culture have high levels of communication.  Overshare what you are thinking about your business and what you want your business to be.  Understand what your team member’s personalities are and how your customers see your team. Don’t be afraid to communicate the obvious to teach the desired culture.

Recognize Culture

Too often we find what is wrong with our team members. That comes easily.  Too often that is the way leaders we worked for were taught.  To promote a great culture in a business find what is right.  If a team member takes care of a customer well, recognize them for doing a great job.  People repeat what they are recognized for.

Attack Culture

If your business has bad culture, attack the problem.  If you have a problem with someone being late sit in their chair until they arrive to work.  They will get the message.  The biggest problem is if you don’t attack a problem, by default you are sanctioning incompetence.  Champions on your team will leave.

Repeat Good Culture

The culture that you desire has to be repeated.  You can’t just stand up and say this is what I want.  The desired results have to be repeated over and over again. As you improve the culture of your business, it will become easier to find champions to employ.


To create a culture that is positive, customer centered, and focused on doing what is right in your business takes time.  From the very first contact with customers to the end product focus on teaching the desired culture. Turn your business from a good organization to a great organization.

Question of the week:  What are some of your key focus points you can implement in your business?


Quote of the Week:  “Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first.” – Simon Sinek