How You Can Attract The Perfect Clients?



If you have been in business for any length of time, you know the pain of the “problem client”.  Once they are through the door, they cause nothing but aggravation.  They are complainers.  They complain about everything, from having too much information, too little information, the font size you use, and a myriad of other complaints.

Once you realize you have one of these you are faced with two choices: continue to have the abuse and aggravation … or fire the client.  I recommend that when you find you have one of these, cut ties, and move on. Hopefully this will be a small percent of your business. I know that I have very few problem clients any more.

There are several filters that help to reduce attracting “problem clients”.

  • Boldly emphasize your core beliefs.


Many business advisors recommend keeping these generic. I think the only reason to keep your stated core beliefs generic is to be average, mediocre. State clearly what your core beliefs are and how they apply to your business practices.


  • Charge premium prices.

Premium pricing, combined with high quality service or products, for your industry works great for driving away whiners and complainers.  If you don’t hide the fact that you are expensive you will attract better customers.  Premium pricing can take several forms. It may be that you don’t cut your rate, have a consistent result, or have a better guarantee.

  • Clearly and consistently communicate your criteria for working with clients.

The first step is to make two lists: #1 “things I like about clients, #2 “things that drive you crazy about clients”.  Once you have written these two lists, the fun begins.

Putting these filters to Work for you.

Decide to start today.  Find natural ways of incorporating the criteria for your ideal customer list into your marketing and content. You will build a group of people, Seth Godin describes this as your Tribe, or a customer profile that you will work with. By incorporating these filters, you too will have fewer “problem clients”.


Question of the week: How do you deal with problem clients?
Quote of the week: “Permission marketing turns strangers into friends and friends into loyal customers. It’s not just about entertainment – it’s about education. Permission marketing is curriculum marketing.” – Seth Godin